Whether your are traveling or parking your RV full time or seasonly, you want your pets to be comfortable along the way. Planning ahead, having the right supplies, and safety concerns for your pet are key. Just like at home they can have an outside area to play in during the day and a cozy place to sleep at night. There is nothing better than pet friendly trips in your home on wheels. Here are some things to keep in mind along the way.
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1. Introducing Your Pet To Traveling
First introduce your pet to your RV without driving a fews days or up to a week prior to leaving on your journey. Encouragement through treats and toys while in your RV will help your pet feel at ease and trust being inside. Do not force anything and make it a positive environment. As they start to feel more comfortable with the new space, you can feed them their breakfast and dinner inside to expose them to familiar routines.
2. What to bring
Prior to leaving on your journey, make a list of regular items such as food, treats, toys, medicine, and items that are introduced on a daily so nothing is forgotten. Also keep in mind if your dog is on preventive care to bring if necessary as well as any medical needs for your pet. Be sure to have prescriptions filled prior to leaving if your pet is on any medication so you do not run out. Bring along their crate or special bed they sleep in to make them feel more comfortable on the road, parked, or if you leave your RV without them just like you would at home.
3. The Journey
Be prepared to stop for potty breaks along your journey. Plan ahead and make sure where you park is pet friendly as well as places you are going to stop at. You can check out https://www.gopetfriendly.com/ for places near you.
While on the road it is safe to keep your pet in a secure area, whether that be your lap, seatbelt harness, or gated area in case of an emergency situation and prevention of injury while moving. Be sure your pet has up to date ID tags, microchip, and or registered contact information as and additional precaution while on the road.
4. Those what if moments
Look ahead at veterinarian and 24/7 care in the areas you will be staying just in case you need those services.
Weather, breakdowns, mechanical issues and other uncontrollable situations are best to consider while on your trip. In example if AC breaks in your RV, just like your car you would not leave your pet inside on a hot day.
5. Most of all have fun!
We love our fur babies and being able to take them with us add pure joy to the journey. And as long as they are happy along the way so are we!!
By Latch.it