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Living in an RV on Your Own Land: All You Need to Know


Updated: Aug 16, 2023

Can you live in an RV on your own private property? and should you? Learn all about stationary RV living on your own land.

Living in an RV on your own Land

You have heard of traveling in an RV, but did you know that there is another RV lifestyle too? One where you choose to reside in your RV on your own land, instead of in a house. Yep, you heard that right! An RV as your stationed home!

There are many reasons why people would choose to live in an RV on their land. It could be because of expenses, frequent traveling, as an interim home, or anything else. However, it is slightly more complicated to live in an RV than in a house because of legal reasons. If you are an RV owner thinking of living in your motorhome, scroll on to find out all you need to know!

Is it legal to live in an RV on your own land?

Technically, you can park and live in your RV on your land. However, some states have laws that oppose or restrict living in your RV full-time as a permanent house. At the same time, there are many others like Washington, Florida, Texas, Colorado, California, and more that are RV-friendly! To declare your RV as your permanent home in these RV-friendly states, it has to meet a few requirements. It should have a designated area for the bathroom, cooking, and sleeping. If it checks all those ticks, then you are good to go!

Zoning Requirements Your Land Has to Meet

There are a few zoning requirements you will have to keep in mind for full-time RV living. You will first have to establish your domicile in the state that you intend to live in, so that your taxes, vehicles, mailing address, and voting are all registered here. You might need to stay in the state for a required period of time before you can write it up as your domicile.

For specific zoning requirements, your land should have access to fresh water, a septic system or sewer access, and an electric supply. Land size requirements for septic systems vary. Some places may require half an acre, while others require the septic system to be at least 50 feet away from the water source. Zoning requirements are essential in setting up your RV as a residence on your land, so be sure to go through your city or state’s guidelines carefully!

Pros of Living in an RV on Your Land

live in an RV on your own land legally

The freedom to move

RV life is excellent for those who don’t want to settle down yet or are not sure where to. Living in an RV on your land means you don’t have live in that one place for long and can move whenever you want.

Breathing room

Living in an RV on your land means that your neighbors aren’t a stone’s throw away, and you have ample room for your tow, slideouts, outdoor sitting, and campfire sitting. The land belongs to you, and you can develop it as a campsite as much as you want.

It’s cheaper

No big hassle of building a home, or buying it, or racking up a mortgage. No lengthy energy bills, parking fees, or homeowners’ insurance. Who doesn’t want to save up well and enjoy RV travels and other luxuries every other month?


Tired of the neighborhood or place? Just crank up your RV and head out! Full-time RV living is incredibly convenient for those who love traveling frequently. There isn’t any long planning and packing process - just find your next destination and hit the road.

The Cons Living in an RV on Your Land

RV living on private land


You might be saving up on other costs, but RV repairs can chalk up a nice bill of their own. It is only a matter of time until your RV needs a maintenance check, whether that’s for the engine, tires, electrical systems, or appliances. Try to have an RV mechanic on call or nearby.

Smaller set-up

Yes, RVs are compact and contained. This is usually a significant advantage when on the road, but it can get tricky for full-time RVers, especially those with a growing family. The kitchen, living areas, and bathrooms might all start to get congested at one point.


Technically, you already own an automobile, so it is a given that you may not purchase another car. This can be difficult if you live in urban cities where the primary mode of transport is by car. Imagine driving your RV to soccer practices, or for Saturday night dinner, ha!

Living in an RV on your Land: a Short How-To Guide

Buying land for RV

Check the state and area laws:

As discussed before, the state and area laws are what allow full-time RV living. Be sure to check the concerned laws before purchasing your plot of land. See what systems are installed, the zoning requirements, and your RV hookup needs too.

Finding the ideal location:

Technical requirements aside, RV living also means choosing a place to reside that makes traveling easy. You could live near the Interstate highway or close to city borders. Another important factor to consider is amenities - check out the maintenance shops nearby, and the healthcare facilities and schools too.

Does the land size meet your needs?

Whether you are a big RV family or just someone who likes their space, your land size should accommodate your needs. This is especially important depending on your RV size and your outdoor set-up needs. You might have more room if your land is outside the city limits or in rural areas, as compared to more urban settings.

Getting set up

Of course, once you have purchased your land and gotten your RV parked, the next and best thing to do is make your home. Hook up your RV, set up your fire pits, build that outdoor kitchen, and get ready to enjoy a new lifestyle. RV carpeting is another way to make your home-on-wheels feel cozier. Large RV mats and RV parking mats are a great way to create a lounging space outside your camper. A 9x12 reversible RV patio mat is perfect for your outdoor space, keep an eye out for RV patio rugs clearance sales to get a good deal.


Full-time RV living can be an important decision to make, especially if you are choosing to live on your own land. It may seem like a new concept and slightly unusual, but it comes with many advantages of its own. We hope you now know what this lifestyle entails, and if you are still on the fence about it, just remember - RV life is all about the adventure!



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