Are you looking to take to the road full time with your entire family? If you are feeling a bit overwhelmed, this is totally normal. There is a lot to take into consideration when taking on full time RV living with kids, so here is the top things to prepare for before heading out. It is 100% possible and there are tons of families that are successful and happy with their nomad life.

Subscribe and comment below if you currently live full time in your RV with your family. If so, how many people are in your RV and do you have any advice for newbies taking to the road with their family.
First things first
Get ready to become super close with everyone in your family. Great bonding time and new adventures are just in the horizon and this is how you are going to do it. Everyone is going to need a role big or small when on the road. Have a family meeting to disperse these roles whether it be for chores, maintenance, or event/trip organizer. Downsize your current items that are going to be essential on the road. Bring what you need and keep the rest at home, or if you are selling everything this is a good opportunity to have a security fund to start your journey. Here is the cutest family (The Fuller Family) that took to the road and how they are doing!
Best RV for Family

Take into consideration how many people are in your family and what your needs are. This is going to be your new home on wheels. There isn't just one perfect RV for everyone but one that is perfect for you and your family. Check out the different types of RVs HERE. Do plenty of research and rent an RV at first if you are unsure.
School On The Go
Road-schooling is a newer education plan that has become increasingly popular. It is the practice of going where the road takes you and learning while you go. When you make the choice to Road-School you will see plenty of benefits and a lot more freedom. Instead of teaching a curriculum based upon the standards set by each state, you teach your curriculum based on where your travels take you. This can be an adventurous experience for everyone involved.
Cost of Living
The big question, how much is this going to cost? Preparing a budget and expenses will allow you to travel with ease. This is going to also depend on lifestyle and current needs, but this is an average for basic needs. On average a family can spend $2000-$6000 a month. Go ahead and list all of your current expenses, cancel subscriptions you don't need, add in your average grocery/food expenses, and other needs you pay on a monthly basis. You will need to figure in the cost of a truck and camper, or a motorhome and a vehicle to tow. There are expenses such as campground fees, gas, activities, and national park passes. There are several expense trackers out there for your use. Don't panic you got this!!
How to Earn Money
The most important part to keep the show on the road!! There are several ways to have income on the road whether that be through remote jobs or taking to documenting your life. Many people are holding great jobs while on the road, ditching the 9-5 and experiencing more adventures at the same time. Want to find out more options for how to make money traveling in a RV, check out How To Make Money Traveling In An RV.
Meeting new people
We have the magic of technology at our fingertips. There are tons of families documenting their travels. Don't be afraid to reach out, ask for advice, look into meet ups in the areas you are traveling.
Lastly! Enjoy Your Adventure
This will be the best experience of your life. Live it up and become a closer knit family.
Becoming a full-time RV family sounds like a life-changing adventure, offering flexibility and unique experiences. Similarly, surrogacy in the USA is a thoughtful journey that requires careful planning and support. If you're considering it, finding a trusted agency to guide you through the process is key to making your dreams of parenthood come true.